Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

The Role of ICTs as a Tools to Improve Public Participation

______Actually ICTs is a acronim of "Information and Comunication Technologies". ICTs are a tool as the embodiment of good governance in the administration. ICTs need participation from government, private sector and certainly the community. Enterpreneuring one of the principles of government ever proposed by the Osborne one of the principle stresses that the government belongs to the people. Divert the people's government of its authority control into the hands of the people (Thoha, 2008, h.78). Communities are empowered so as to control the services provided by government bureaucracy. We all know that public administration is defined as the preparation and implementation of the policy pursued by the bureaucracy in large scale and in the public interest (Keban, 2008. H: 5). Thus ICTs program is one example in it is trying to open Media Forum Online community participation improved opportunities to participate with the ease of direct control of government programs.

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

If you know about Structural Theory

Structural theory became fondation of dependence theory____
Karl Mark have a judgment about 3 level on development
1. Ancient, feodalism our asiatic
2. Capitalism
3. Socialism

_____ Poverty which exist in third world country which more emphasize to agriculture product can be explain because impact from exploitation of world economic structur. others impact is surplus from developing country change to developed industrial country____